Pasadena Mennonite Church is an Anabaptist community committed to live, work and witness according to the Biblical teachings and example of Jesus Christ. As His disciples, we seek authentic fellowship with one another and the world, we work for justice on behalf of the poor and dispossessed and we practice peaceful nonresistance.
Our ministry to Pasadena includes serving meals at Union Station, advocating fair trade practices by supporting Ten Thousand Villages stores, and promoting legislation for living wages and affordable housing. We actively wage peace in acts of public worship and demonstration against war and violence, so that the world may know the transformative power of Christ’s love. We at Pasadena Mennonite Church invite you to join us, as we seek to become a sign, foretaste and instrument of Jesus’ hope, healing and peace to the world. For further faith information, read our Covenant of Faith.
For information about current job opportunities, see our Employment page.